are you going to scarborough fair?

I should have spent more time thinking about writing and less taking subpar pictures. Contrary to the dreary cloud cover displayed in these photos scarborough really does give one the feeling of

fanfare. A beachside town in october still bustling and selling incredible amounts of ice cream, i imagine the hordes that swarm the area in july. wandering, enjoying the ocean view, kids on a rope swing, the castle with an entrance fee means we

walk the outside wall instead. the village market, old books, old ladies, old clothes, new clothes, fresh meat, fresh fish, antiques, cheap toys, the wafting smell of marijuana? winding streets, an ancient cemetary, endless flights of steep stairs, fish and chips with tea at winking willies, how english, walking the beach, a happy dog, children in the sand, sudden interest in digital

video, oh a beautiful patch of blue sky!, the sun slowly sets, broken benches, transition to the train.
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