The day i heard my first beatles song was the day liverpool began forming in a haze out of my imagination. The real Liverpool is nothing like the one i envisioned however. This Beatles fan mecca is much larger than

the city i anticipated and looking back i really have no idea what i expected. Liverpool is a large industrial city but also contains that northern england small town feeling. Main streets are lined by expensive stores and pubs, looming cemet buildings make me think of gotham city, but the side streets wind down shadowed alleys where you

find out of the way shops and clubs with dark steps descending from the cobble stone street. I tried to imagine the city without the Mcdonalds and focused my attention on the prevelance of industrialism; possibly closer to the way it looked when john and paul walked down these same

streets. Is it possible they sat at the foot of this same statue?Its difficult to imagine the city before the beatles made its name known around the globe. Sadly we only got to spend a few hours wandering the city, i think i could spend days there. it was however long enough to meander through the beatles museum, have a pint in the cavern club

and make fun of sculptures at the tate museum of modern art. I feel there is much more of liverpool that i'll need to explore before leaving england.

Liverpool...i'm still kind of amazed i was there.
aleks was amazed this john lennon statue was sporting such a fantastic leather jacket.
1 comment:
rather impressive hills it is, then. ryan, you're wonderful. i miss you. and i'm jealous of your beatles experience. dang. i think that, probably, the first time i heard the beatles, i didn't even know what england was, let alone liverpool. oh well. glad you liked the c-burg pictures on facebook. grand.
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