This is a story about a guy named Luke and his adventure across the Atlantic ocean to visit his brother in England.
Luke's brother's name is Ryan. Some say they look alike. "You both have the same eyes." And the same blonde hair and red beard. 

Ryan decided to take his brother to see the sights. This is a picture of Luke in London, standing across the Thames from Big Ben.

This is Luke standing in front of Shakespeare's Globe Theater. He is studiously holding a copy of Othello that he has to read for English Class. He might start to read it on the plane
ride home. No time for books now. Ryan and Luke are off to the Tate Modern. Luke really enjoyed the slides.

Ryan is a Beatles fan and couldn't let luke leave england without a trip to liverpool. It just wouldn't be right.

They took a trip on the Magical Mystery Tour. "Penny Lane is in my ears and in my eyes..." Doesn't get any better than that.
They went to York too, and spent a lot of time wandering around Leeds with anna searching for a pair of sunglasses for Luke. 
It was a great trip, and luke even bought sunglasses after much deliberation. but all good things come to an end. Moral of the story? Always visit your brother studying overseas.
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