Imagine a large modern city. Like any city, this one has its share of evangelical religous zealots, racist fanatics, outspoken marxist supporters, lonely politically inclined obnoxious conspiricay theory believing middle aged men prone to argument, and (as if we need to make it a catagory in itself) the mildly insane. Its difficult, but now imagine this eclectic group of people were all to gather together, in early democratic fashion, on a regular basis in a public arena in order to 'enlighten the masses' who came to debate and listen. Envision a surreal ancient athens where politicians with ragged beards, grown men dressed like superheros, and racist grandmothers shout from the third rung of footstools while surrounded by crowds of heckling spectators. If the picture isn't quite clear in your head don't worry because you can go see this spectacle of modern society for yourself.
If you happen to be lucky enough to be in London on a sunday morning I highly suggest you make it a point to visit speakers corner. hop on a bus or the tube and head towards Hyde Park. You can't miss the crowds gathered around the men and women shouting from their vantage point a foot or so above the heads of everyone else. I wasn't sure what to expect. In my head i may

have envisioned soap box speeches and enthralled orderly attentive crowds. I wasn't prepared for the scene that unfolded before me. around half past twelve anna and i got off the tube (an experience in itself) around green park. we meandered along towards hyde park and browsed the books being sold on the street while sipping coffee from starbucks. It was a sunny morning and hyde park was full of runners, bikers and groups playing football(soccer). we consulted the sign near an entrance and discovered speakers corner was located on the far side of the park. The corner is offical and has maintained this tradition of public speech from those days long before radio, television and the computer. we now have more efficent means of mass communicating, but i suppose the idea of public dialoge does have its allure.
Although i was the only person talking to patrick, he maintained his stoic posture standing atop his chair. looking down, he explained that i should talk to jesus if i wanted to fullfill my purpose in life; to prepare for life after death. For 16 years Patrick has been standing on his chair in hyde park every sunday and i imagine hes talked to a lot people. however i doubt as many people have disagreed with him as with the older woman who was speaking not far away. her fanatical shouts encouraged a crowd of disagreeable spectators to descend into her vicinity. This elderly white haired woman straightforwardly criticized...pretty much everyone but herself. The logical progression was difficult to

follow but her main point was that if you aren't from pure english heritage you should stay out of england. immigrants from europe are terrible people, from the middle east are terrorists, and americans are going to hell for giving up and leaving england. she didnt' want anyone to come back either. Hecklers moved in roving groups from one speaker to the next attacking them and debating with them. one particulary obnoxious english man fancied himself quite witty so continuously made loud irrelevant remarks over his shoulder to the rest of the crowd who laughed along. i have no doubt he did this every week.
i can't explain how random the crowds were. half of them very serious and the other half there for pure entertainment. cheaper than a movie. one man dressed in peculiar garb and jamacian flag pronounced 'the black man' as the master race who would soon take over the world. Another, went by the name of Mr. Satan, read insulting jokes and complained about

women. An old man stood on his chair in the center of this disarray and sung hymn songs. have you ever wondered where the guy who carries the sign, 'the end is coming' spends his sunday mornings? those passing through the park stop at each speaker for a few moments and move on or stay to debate, sometimes recording the debates, but it seems mostly to be entertained by the outspoken individual who feels the necessity to tell the world whats on their mind. free speech is a beautiful thing.
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