Friday, July 14, 2006

the lone ranger

I do believe the idea for showers was God's gift to man.

Its true i enjoy spending time in peace and solitude. The past few weeks however have given me a new perspective on the sailors loneliness, the brokeback phenomenon as well as the mountain mans curse. While we haven't turned to whores, homosexuality, or hunting? for gold?, theres a chance we could be spotted chasing chipmunks with spears or threatening each others lives over a game of cribbage. Formerly played by housewives and grandparents, cribbage takes on a new importance while alone in the mountains. I understand why men were killed over a game of poker in the wild west. Matt and i spend half of our work week at a hiking camp. we're there to watch over the camp, take care of work etc. there is no one else there. this is in addition to our self imposed weekends in the wilderness. i suppose we enjoy it. i'm fairly certain we get paid to go hiking. we have yet to discover the catch.
Matt and i take each solitary moment (that we spend together, i promise its possible. someone related it to marriage, explains some things, a lot to learn) and do our best to savor it. the lone rangers downfall is beautiful and terrible. a week after we get home matt flys to rome. from wyoming, no cities, to the the eternal city. I shall soon after be headed in the direction of Leeds, another large city. it should all prove interesting.
tonight shall be our first real venture into the "social" jackson...if you can call a midnight showing of The Goonies true interaction. tomorrow to driggs idaho.

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