watching reality bites.
saturday morning = yard sales in jackson wyoming. so we walked away with used books; as you do. we stopped at the great used book store supported by jackson as well, but i restrained myself there.
It rained thursday afternoon and we spent our time off reading in the tent. i listened as matt called home and proceeded to confound mr. page. he didn't understand who was calling claiming to be, "your son, matt". matt couldn't understand how he dialed the wrong number. in any case we got the chance to talk with kyle who, as i understand, has two cds in the works. jazz as well as the combovers. thats my promo. i look forward to free cds.
we were tuned into the rumor of an abandoned canoe earlier this week by mike and cindy. they work at the ranch and have somewhat looked out for us. they advise us in practical matters and are always eager to point us towards a neat trail or place to camp. in any case we spent the afternoon searching for the canoe which we planned to commadere. sadly we spent 3 hours traversing the sage brush and rocks around the lake with no pirating. something about wandering a shore adorned in sandals and ripped pants with an old oar in hand makes one long for the sea. i can't imagine what people thought of the two guys carrying paddles down the gravel road. im' sure we looked lost. we hitched a ride from the end of the lake back to our car in the back of a pickup truck driven by friendly fishermen from california.
we've discovered that jackson hole, although it gives off an auro of hustle and bustle, is really just a small town in the middle of no where. with one or two main roads we've run into or seen the same people over and over again. if you aren't in the backcountry, where you would be alone, you are at albertsons (grocery as well as liquor), the library, or wandering the streets. we saw a german couple at the rodeo who we later saw in a parking area in teton national park. i've seen the same crazy bearded old man outfitted with rucksack and blue jacket twice now. i see people from the library everywhere. the same drunken mazda who stopped to discuss directions with us while we walked on the road was also seen at albertsons. of course the yardsales had a regular crowd as well. its an interesting phenomenon.
father and brother are coming to visit next week. i'm excited, i think they'll enjoy the mountains as much as we do; we'll enjoy pretending to be locals. on that note, this nearly thought provoking bumper sticker seems appropriate. "my wyoming has an east infection".
matt just pranced across the room singing something about ice cream; bearclaw. its fantastic.
1 comment:
Dear Ryan.
I love reading about your adventures. It sounds absolutly wonderful and I hope I can come hobo my way to visit you when I get back. I miss you dear.
Let's paint a mural,
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